Research and Implementation Fund

Project title: “R&D works in the field of improving EDC clothing.”

The aim of the project is to conduct application research and development works, as a result of which an improved product will be created (a set of EDC clothing).

The project is implemented from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund under the project “Research and Implementation Fund” implemented under Priority Axis 1. Strengthening innovation and competitiveness of the region’s economy, Measure 1.2. development of the Regional Operational Program of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020.

Project value: PLN 826,523.46

The value of co-financing from the EU: PLN 526,914.24

Export Fund

We present the results of the tender procedure of 03/02/2021 as part of the REGIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAM OF THE KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE VOIVODESHIP FOR 2014-2020. The selection protocol can be downloaded here.

The project is implemented under the Export Fund “as part of the REGIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAM OF THE KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE VOIVODESHIP FOR 2014-2020

Priority axis 1: Strengthening the innovation and competitiveness of the region’s economy

Measure 1.5. Development and implementation of new business models for SMEs

Sub-measure 1.5.3 Support for the Process of Internationalization of Enterprises

Scheme: Support for SMEs on international markets – grant projects of the Regional Operational Program of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020.

Project value: PLN 531,787.22

The value of co-financing from the EU: 333 878.50

Resolution of the request for proposal No. 2/2021 of 10/09/2021 – purchase of a service consisting in organizing participation in an international fair as an exhibitor – Milipol, Paris (France) on 17-23.10.2021.

Please be advised that as a result of the offer selection procedure under inquiry No. 2/2021 of 10/09/2021 – purchase of a service consisting in organizing participation in an international fair as an exhibitor -Milipol, Paris (France), two offers were received. One of them, which, due to the fulfillment of all formal and substantive requirements set out in the inquiry, has been accepted by us. It is a company:


The above offer met the formal and substantive requirements set out in the inquiry and obtained the highest number of points in the selection criteria presented in the above-mentioned inquiry.

Development Fund

Kreator Sp. z o.o. Limited partnership obtained funding under the program “Diversification of the business of Kreator Sp. z o.o. Limited partnership in Toruń by introducing an innovative clothing system for uniformed services (MUP – modular field uniforms), professional users and survivors, based on the results of our own research and development work “.

The aim of the project is to diversify the activities of Kreator Sp. z o.o. Limited partnership in Toruń by introducing an innovative clothing system for uniformed services (MUP – modular field uniform), professional users and survivors, based on the results of own research and development works. This will enable the achievement of the objective of Sub-measure 1.6.2, which is the increased use of innovations in SMEs. Project value, amount of the European Union contribution

– Total expenditure: PLN 1,947,901.64, European Union contribution – PLN 473,511.52.